{traverse city, michigan | october 2020}
I had gotten an email from Amy saying that her and her husband Aalok were taking a mini trip up to Traverse City from Chicago before they had their baby. And since they hadn’t really told a lot of people that they were pregnant, they wanted to use this opportunity to take some announcement photos. So we got up super early on Sunday morning and drove up to the Mission Point Lighthouse. It was so peaceful since we were the only ones around. They were both shocked to find out that I was 34 weeks along in my pregnancy. I did have a bigger sweatshirt and a jacket on so it was a bit harder to tell. They asked what I was having and I asked them but they are doing a surprise gender birth. I don’t know how people can wait the whole 9 months to see what gender their baby is. I had a hard time waiting the 14 weeks to find out we were having a baby boy! Props to them and I wish them the best of luck becoming new parents!